6 Must-Read Facts About Veneers And Its Benefits

Not everyone is born with a perfectly straight, bright smile. That’s why most often try to find ways to help them achieve a whiter and straighter set of teeth. Although getting the perfect set of teeth sounds far fetched, dentists now help you to achieve it through dental veneers. Today, we’ll look at how these are designed to mask your teeth’s imperfections.

What are veneers?

These are thin porcelain shells that cover the surface of a patient’s teeth. They are specially designed to hide minor dental imperfections such as cracks, gaps between teeth, as well as discoloration. These also provides you with a way to restore your beautiful smile and help you get your confidence back. However, there are a few vital things that you should know about these teeth shells. This will help you decide whether the dental veneers cost outweighs its benefits.

Things to remember about dental veneers

Veneers are susceptible to damages

White teeth laminates, especially those made with porcelain, have an intricate design built to withstand regular forces. However, biting down on the teeth produces a substantial amount of force that can result in a chipped or fractured veneer. That’s why it’s best to avoid hard foods such as caramel or ice. You may also want to avoid biting solid objects such as pencils and fingernails. Meanwhile, it’s highly advisable for people who suffer from bruxism to wear a night guard to help protect their porcelain dental veneers.

Having veneers is not a one-day process

Having these laminates for your teeth takes several processes to complete. So, you can’t expect to get a brand-new smile as soon as walk out of your dentist’s office. He needs to perform a smile analysis first to confirm if veneers is a good fix for your dental problems. There are instances when there are other procedures that provide similar results at a fraction of a cost. It’s best to discuss with your dentist how you want your smile to look so he’ll know how to make it happen.

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Veneers are stain-resistant

Porcelain dental veneers are stain-resistant. However, it doesn’t mean that it’s stain-proof. Hence, the reason why you need to avoid or minimize your intake of foods or beverages that stain your natural teeth. However, if you can’t avoid it, then you should follow it with a glass of water. Doing so will help wash away any pigments before it starts to settle on your teeth’s enamel.

You can get a new smile based on your preference

One of the benefits of having veneers is that your new smile is custom-made based on your liking. So, you can have a chance to change your teeth in whatever way you want it to look. However, creating a perfect smile may require your dentist to get the measurement of your bite, pulp tissue, as well as the enamel thickness. Your dentist will use this information to create the dental laminates that will complement your smile.

You’ll have to wear temporary veneers

Your dentist won’t install your porcelain shells immediately. He will have to place your temporary laminates to your teeth using a temporary bonding cement. This is otherwise known as a trial smile. This will help you imagine how your new smile will look as soon as your dentist has the final product. Moreover, this is also an excellent time for the dentist to perform any tweaks to your porcelain dental veneers.

You’re still able to keep your natural teeth

Wearing your dental laminates doesn’t mean that you must get rid of your natural teeth. Your dentist only needs to reduce your natural teeth slightly to snug them in place.

It’s essential to visit a dentist who specializes in dental veneers in London, Ontario before you opt for this cosmetic procedure. Your dentist will perform a thorough oral exam and an oral prophylaxis to prepare your teeth. Doing so will ensure that your teeth are in good condition, ready to receive veneers.

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