The Benefits Of Invisalign Treatment In South Wenige Drive

The Invisalign treatment in South Wenige Drive works discreetly, yet gives patients hope to achieve bright smiles. Clear aligners are now a better option because Invisalign is more advantageous than the traditional braces. It’s lightweight, clear and works just like your traditional braces, minus the annoying metal wires.

Traditional Braces vs. Invisalign

  1. Comfort

Patients with braces find it uncomfortable to eat and difficult to brush their teeth.

The dentist in Stoney Creek Family Dental suggests that Invisalign may give you a more relaxed experience at eating and brushing since the plastic aligner is smooth and removable. With this advantage, you can eat comfortably and brush your teeth without the fuss of going through each bracket.

  1. Appearance

Aside from the metal brackets, food stuck between the wires of your braces can be slightly embarrassing. The Invisalign treatment in South Wenige Drive will spare you from the unwanted attention, as it is transparent and smooth. No one will even notice you have it on.

  1. Treatment Procedure and Period

Traditional braces take at least five years to correct misaligned teeth or your occlusal (bite) plus the discomfort it brings about. The dentist in Stoney Creek Family Dental assures that this remedy is less painful and faster than the traditional braces. Teeth impressions are also made quicker and easier through an advanced scanning system. No more gagging.

  1. Effectivity

Both traditional and modern dental aligners prove effectiveness. Invisalign treatment in South Wenige Drive guarantees to bring the expected results quicker and more comfortably. Although bone density shares a big factor  on the success of the procedure, the majority of its effectivity lies in the technology and how well you follow the treatment designed for you.

That beautiful smile is now easier to achieve. Allow your dentist in Stoney Creek Family Dental to introduce this treatment for faster results!

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Thursday 8:00am - 7:00pm
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