Tooth Filling Procedure: Your Step-By-Step Guide

Tooth filling is a dental restorative option for your decayed and damaged teeth. After a tooth filling procedure, your teeth is back to its normal function and is safe from further infection.

There are various filling materials that are available for use depending on the severity of the decay. It also considers which part of the teeth the filling is needed and how much you can afford.  

Types of fillings

The South Wenige Drive dental clinic have the two common filling materials which are amalgam and composite. The following are also the other types of teeth fillings.  

  • Amalgam – the most common dental filling material. Researchers discovered amalgam centuries ago and dentists used it since then to help patients save their tooth from extraction.

It’s composed of various metallic elements which makes it durable and ideal to use on the molars. However, when the tooth filling procedure is done, amalgam appears dark and noticeable.

  • Composite – a tooth filling also called as resin composite. It consists of quartz and glass elements making it more aesthetically pleasing as it matches a natural tooth color. It’s also durable and long-lasting even when used in the occlusal areas.
  • Metals – are fillings made of silver or gold. According to the dentist at South Wenige Drive dental clinic, metal fillings are pretty expensive. However, it’s the most durable among the teeth fillings lasting up to 15 years or even a lifetime.  
  • Ceramic – a filling that’s usually made of a tooth-colored porcelain material. It’s less likely to be stained than a composite filling making it a better option. Ceramic fillings are also as expensive as gold fillings.

Step-by-step tooth filling procedure

  1. Anesthesia. Before the actual tooth filling procedure, the dentist gives the patient anesthesia. This numbs the area around the affected tooth and keeps the patient calm throughout the treatment.
  2. Tooth decay removal. The dentist then starts to remove the decayed area using a dental drill. When he finally clears away the disease, he will shape the tooth to ready it for the filling.
  3. Tooth etching. Prior to the filling application, the dentist prepares the tooth by etching it with an acid gel. This helps the filling material to stick on the tooth properly.
  4. Resin application. Now, the dentist applies the filling material on the tooth. He hardens it and makes it strong using a special blue light.
  5. Polishing. The final step is to polish the filling and the tooth so it looks as brand new.

At South Wenige Drive dental clinic, the dentists carefully evaluates a patient’s dental need and recommend the proper treatment.

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