7 Common Dental Crown Myths That Everyone Should Know

Anyone wants to get the best service that’s worth the money spent. This applies to everything else, including on how to care for the teeth. Yet with all the scams out there, how will you know if you’re getting the real deal? For patients who need to undergo a restorative treatment like a dental crown, it’s vital to identify the truth from all the lies. So, let’s talk about a few common misconceptions about crowns so we can finally set the record straight.

Common misconceptions about a dental crown

Dental crowns tend to hurt badly.

Patients are now fortunate enough to live in a world where they get to experience technological advancements in dentistry. Aside from dental cosmetic treatment, a dental crown procedure helps manage any pain caused by a decayed or damaged tooth. Presently, the patients could undergo the best dental surgeries without any worries. Sedation and anesthetics are just a few of the most common treatments readily available to patients to alleviate discomfort.

Crowns easily stain.

Another common misconception that patients hold against a dental crown is that it’s easily stained. However, one thing that’s great about it is that it’s less prone to teeth yellowing and discoloration. Porcelain material has a smooth structure that makes it difficult for stains to stick to it. That’s why it’s vital to match the shade of your crown to your teeth’s natural sheen.

Dental crowns are only for cosmetic dentistry.

One of the most common misconceptions that patients perceive about crowns is its only value for restorative dentistry. The truth is a dental crown procedure is useful for other remedies as well. While they’re perfect for giving you white and beautiful teeth, dentists can also use it to rebuild a broken tooth. Moreover, dentists who perform a root canal therapy also use caps to restore their patient’s beautiful teeth.

It doesn’t look natural.

Another myth that patients need to stop believing is that a dental crown looks unnatural. However, most patients beg to differ. The crowned tooth resembles and works just like your regular teeth. No one will even tell the difference unless they look closely to your teeth.

flossing teeth regularly

Cavity can’t get inside it.

The truth is, your tooth’s remaining structure is still prone to decay. Although the artificial surface of the tooth can’t get any cavity, it’s still possible for the remaining natural tooth to get infected. That’s why it’s highly advisable to brush your teeth and floss regularly to maintain your oral health.

You can only choose one type of crown.

Patients can choose from various materials for their dental crown in London, Ontario. Although each has its pros and cons, most patients often prefer between metallic alloy and porcelain. A full porcelain crown is quite popular because of its resemblance with the teeth’s enamel, making it perfect for the front teeth. Meanwhile, metallic alloy tends to look more obvious, yet is significantly more durable which makes it ideal for the back teeth.

Dental crowns are resistant to damage.

Although porcelain is durable and resistant to chipping or breaking, it doesn’t make it impenetrable. There’s a chance that you can damage the crown if you bite down on something hard or get into an accident. Fortunately, there are ways to save a chipped dental crown from further damage. You may want to visit your dentist so he could check if it needs a replacement.

These are only a few of the most common misconceptions that patients have with a dental crown procedure. Dental crowns are a convenient way to restore the natural look and function of your teeth. To know more about it, schedule an appointment with your dentist to have all your questions answered. He’s ready to help you in caring for your teeth to ensure that they’ll last.

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